Reviewing incidents through Skytrust allows us to make the appropriate strategic corrective actions to improve the wellbeing of our employees.
How Skytrust Helped
Our business had the same safety glasses for every procedure. We looked at incidents where there were frequent ‘near-eye’ injuries. After review we established we required various types of safety glasses. We conducted a trial using safety goggles. We found these specific glasses to be inadequate due to fogging which interfered with our employee’s sight. Due to our hazard and incidents review through the Skytrust platform, we came to the realisation that we needed to introduce a more appropriate type of glasses. Since these glasses were introduced, the feedback from workers has been very positive. They have expressed their appreciation for feeling safer within our working environment and there haven’t been any near-eye incidents since.
We had one worker who was having repetitive incidents in the same area. After reviewing the Incident Reporting module, Skytrust helped us look at the way our staff unloaded boxes off pallets above their head height. We discovered that when this particular worker was lifting products off a pallet and placing them onto conveyor belts, the worker’s motion involved constant twisting and resulted in strains and injuries. We modified this particular lifting method by ensuring employees were taking one step back from the pallet. We successfully implemented a process for a safer method of lifting.
Skytrust allowed us to review the effectiveness of our internal incident reporting documents.
When we compared our Incident Reporting template to Skytrust’s template we realised ours was very cumbersome. We decided to change our Incident form to reflect the information on Skytrust. Many employees were failing to enter details correctly on the previous incident form as there were multiple questions that were irrelevant to the process.
Join the 140,000+ users that are using Skytrust
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✅ If you think Skytrust can benefit your organisation, have full access to Skytrust with a free 3 month trial
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Industry: Manufacturing
Reviewing incidents through Skytrust allows us to make the appropriate strategic corrective actions to improve the wellbeing of our employees.
How Skytrust Helped
Our business had the same safety glasses for every procedure. We looked at incidents where there were frequent ‘near-eye’ injuries. After review we established we required various types of safety glasses. We conducted a trial using safety goggles. We found these specific glasses to be inadequate due to fogging which interfered with our employee’s sight. Due to our hazard and incidents review through the Skytrust platform, we came to the realisation that we needed to introduce a more appropriate type of glasses. Since these glasses were introduced, the feedback from workers has been very positive. They have expressed their appreciation for feeling safer within our working environment and there haven’t been any near-eye incidents since.
We had one worker who was having repetitive incidents in the same area. After reviewing the Incident Reporting module, Skytrust helped us look at the way our staff unloaded boxes off pallets above their head height. We discovered that when this particular worker was lifting products off a pallet and placing them onto conveyor belts, the worker’s motion involved constant twisting and resulted in strains and injuries. We modified this particular lifting method by ensuring employees were taking one step back from the pallet. We successfully implemented a process for a safer method of lifting.
Skytrust allowed us to review the effectiveness of our internal incident reporting documents.
When we compared our Incident Reporting template to Skytrust’s template we realised ours was very cumbersome. We decided to change our Incident form to reflect the information on Skytrust. Many employees were failing to enter details correctly on the previous incident form as there were multiple questions that were irrelevant to the process.
Join the 140,000+ users that are using Skytrust
✅ Book a demo with our team
✅ If you think Skytrust can benefit your organisation, have full access to Skytrust with a free 3 month trial
✅ We’ll do the setup for you and be your right hand at every step of the way
Industry: Manufacturing
Reviewing incidents through Skytrust allows us to make the appropriate strategic corrective actions to improve the wellbeing of our employees.
How Skytrust Helped
Our business had the same safety glasses for every procedure. We looked at incidents where there were frequent ‘near-eye’ injuries. After review we established we required various types of safety glasses. We conducted a trial using safety goggles. We found these specific glasses to be inadequate due to fogging which interfered with our employee’s sight. Due to our hazard and incidents review through the Skytrust platform, we came to the realisation that we needed to introduce a more appropriate type of glasses. Since these glasses were introduced, the feedback from workers has been very positive. They have expressed their appreciation for feeling safer within our working environment and there haven’t been any near-eye incidents since.
We had one worker who was having repetitive incidents in the same area. After reviewing the Incident Reporting module, Skytrust helped us look at the way our staff unloaded boxes off pallets above their head height. We discovered that when this particular worker was lifting products off a pallet and placing them onto conveyor belts, the worker’s motion involved constant twisting and resulted in strains and injuries. We modified this particular lifting method by ensuring employees were taking one step back from the pallet. We successfully implemented a process for a safer method of lifting.
Skytrust allowed us to review the effectiveness of our internal incident reporting documents.
When we compared our Incident Reporting template to Skytrust’s template we realised ours was very cumbersome. We decided to change our Incident form to reflect the information on Skytrust. Many employees were failing to enter details correctly on the previous incident form as there were multiple questions that were irrelevant to the process.
Join the 140,000+ users that are using Skytrust
✅ Book a demo with our team
✅ If you think Skytrust can benefit your organisation, have full access to Skytrust with a free 3 month trial
✅ We’ll do the setup for you and be your right hand at every step of the way
Industry: Manufacturing
Reviewing incidents through Skytrust allows us to make the appropriate strategic corrective actions to improve the wellbeing of our employees.
How Skytrust Helped
Our business had the same safety glasses for every procedure. We looked at incidents where there were frequent ‘near-eye’ injuries. After review we established we required various types of safety glasses. We conducted a trial using safety goggles. We found these specific glasses to be inadequate due to fogging which interfered with our employee’s sight. Due to our hazard and incidents review through the Skytrust platform, we came to the realisation that we needed to introduce a more appropriate type of glasses. Since these glasses were introduced, the feedback from workers has been very positive. They have expressed their appreciation for feeling safer within our working environment and there haven’t been any near-eye incidents since.
We had one worker who was having repetitive incidents in the same area. After reviewing the Incident Reporting module, Skytrust helped us look at the way our staff unloaded boxes off pallets above their head height. We discovered that when this particular worker was lifting products off a pallet and placing them onto conveyor belts, the worker’s motion involved constant twisting and resulted in strains and injuries. We modified this particular lifting method by ensuring employees were taking one step back from the pallet. We successfully implemented a process for a safer method of lifting.
Skytrust allowed us to review the effectiveness of our internal incident reporting documents.
When we compared our Incident Reporting template to Skytrust’s template we realised ours was very cumbersome. We decided to change our Incident form to reflect the information on Skytrust. Many employees were failing to enter details correctly on the previous incident form as there were multiple questions that were irrelevant to the process.
Join the 140,000+ users that are using Skytrust
✅ Book a demo with our team
✅ If you think Skytrust can benefit your organisation, have full access to Skytrust with a free 3 month trial
✅ We’ll do the setup for you and be your right hand at every step of the way